tests for incoming webmention

This commit is contained in:
Niko Abeler 2023-08-09 20:10:51 +02:00
parent 6ab9af2d53
commit df5215d943
4 changed files with 304 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ func (s *WebmentionService) GetExistingWebmention(entryId string, source string,
for _, interaction := range inters {
if webm, ok := interaction.(*interactions.Webmention); ok {
m := webm.MetaData().(interactions.WebmentionInteractionMetaData)
m := webm.MetaData().(interactions.WebmentionMetaData)
if m.Source == source && m.Target == target {
return webm, nil
@ -130,6 +130,10 @@ func (s *WebmentionService) ProcessWebmention(source string, target string) erro
entryId := UrlToEntryId(target)
_, err = s.EntryRepository.FindById(entryId)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -140,7 +144,7 @@ func (s *WebmentionService) ProcessWebmention(source string, target string) erro
return err
if webmention != nil {
data := interactions.WebmentionInteractionMetaData{
data := interactions.WebmentionMetaData{
Source: source,
Target: target,
Title: hEntry.Title,
@ -152,12 +156,12 @@ func (s *WebmentionService) ProcessWebmention(source string, target string) erro
return err
} else {
webmention = &interactions.Webmention{}
data := interactions.WebmentionInteractionMetaData{
data := interactions.WebmentionMetaData{
Source: source,
Target: target,
Title: hEntry.Title,
err = s.InteractionRepository.Create(webmention)

app/webmention_test.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
package app_test
import (
// func constructResponse(html []byte) *http.Response {
// url, _ := url.Parse("http://example.com/foo/bar")
// return &http.Response{
// Request: &http.Request{
// URL: url,
// },
// Body: io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte(html))),
// }
// }
type MockHttpClient struct {
PageContent string
// Post implements owlhttp.HttpClient.
func (MockHttpClient) Post(url string, contentType string, body io.Reader) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
// PostForm implements owlhttp.HttpClient.
func (MockHttpClient) PostForm(url string, data url.Values) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
func (c *MockHttpClient) Get(url string) (*http.Response, error) {
return &http.Response{
Body: io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte(c.PageContent))),
}, nil
func getWebmentionService() *app.WebmentionService {
db := test.NewMockDb()
entryRegister := app.NewEntryTypeRegistry()
entryRepo := infra.NewEntryRepository(db, entryRegister)
interactionRegister := app.NewInteractionTypeRegistry()
interactionRepo := infra.NewInteractionRepo(db, interactionRegister)
http := infra.OwlHttpClient{}
return app.NewWebmentionService(
interactionRepo, entryRepo, &http,
// https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/#h-webmention-verification
func TestParseValidHEntry(t *testing.T) {
service := getWebmentionService()
html := []byte("<div class=\"h-entry\"><div class=\"p-name\">Foo</div></div>")
entry, err := service.ParseHEntry(&http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(html))})
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, entry.Title, "Foo")
func TestParseValidHEntryWithoutTitle(t *testing.T) {
service := getWebmentionService()
html := []byte("<div class=\"h-entry\"></div><div class=\"p-name\">Foo</div>")
entry, err := service.ParseHEntry(&http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(html))})
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, entry.Title, "")
func TestCreateNewWebmention(t *testing.T) {
service := getWebmentionService()
service.Http = &MockHttpClient{
PageContent: "<div class=\"h-entry\"><div class=\"p-name\">Foo</div></div>",
entry := test.MockEntry{}
err := service.ProcessWebmention(
fmt.Sprintf("https.//example.com/posts/%s/", entry.ID()),
require.NoError(t, err)
inters, err := service.InteractionRepository.FindAll(entry.ID())
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, len(inters), 1)
webm := inters[0].(*interactions.Webmention)
meta := webm.MetaData().(*interactions.WebmentionMetaData)
require.Equal(t, meta.Source, "http://example.com/foo")
require.Equal(t, meta.Target, fmt.Sprintf("https.//example.com/posts/%s/", entry.ID()))
require.Equal(t, meta.Title, "Foo")
// func TestGetWebmentionEndpointLink(t *testing.T) {
// service := getWebmentionService()
// html := []byte("<link rel=\"webmention\" href=\"http://example.com/webmention\" />")
// endpoint, err := service.GetWebmentionEndpoint(constructResponse(html))
// require.NoError(t, err)
// require.Equal(t, endpoint, "http://example.com/webmention")
// }
// func TestGetWebmentionEndpointLinkA(t *testing.T) {
// service := getWebmentionService()
// html := []byte("<a rel=\"webmention\" href=\"http://example.com/webmention\" />")
// endpoint, err := service.GetWebmentionEndpoint(constructResponse(html))
// require.NoError(t, err)
// require.Equal(t, endpoint, "http://example.com/webmention")
// }
// func TestGetWebmentionEndpointLinkAFakeWebmention(t *testing.T) {
// service := getWebmentionService()
// html := []byte("<a rel=\"not-webmention\" href=\"http://example.com/foo\" /><a rel=\"webmention\" href=\"http://example.com/webmention\" />")
// endpoint, err := service.GetWebmentionEndpoint(constructResponse(html))
// require.NoError(t, err)
// require.Equal(t, endpoint, "http://example.com/webmention")
// }
// func TestGetWebmentionEndpointLinkHeader(t *testing.T) {
// service := getWebmentionService()
// html := []byte("")
// resp := constructResponse(html)
// resp.Header = http.Header{"Link": []string{"<http://example.com/webmention>; rel=\"webmention\""}}
// endpoint, err := service.GetWebmentionEndpoint(resp)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// require.Equal(t, endpoint, "http://example.com/webmention")
// }
// func TestGetWebmentionEndpointLinkHeaderCommas(t *testing.T) {
// service := getWebmentionService()
// html := []byte("")
// resp := constructResponse(html)
// resp.Header = http.Header{
// "Link": []string{"<https://webmention.rocks/test/19/webmention/error>; rel=\"other\", <https://webmention.rocks/test/19/webmention>; rel=\"webmention\""},
// }
// endpoint, err := service.GetWebmentionEndpoint(resp)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// require.Equal(t, endpoint, "https://webmention.rocks/test/19/webmention")
// }
// func TestGetWebmentionEndpointRelativeLink(t *testing.T) {
// service := getWebmentionService()
// html := []byte("<link rel=\"webmention\" href=\"/webmention\" />")
// endpoint, err := service.GetWebmentionEndpoint(constructResponse(html))
// require.NoError(t, err)
// require.Equal(t, endpoint, "http://example.com/webmention")
// }
// func TestGetWebmentionEndpointRelativeLinkInHeader(t *testing.T) {
// service := getWebmentionService()
// html := []byte("<link rel=\"webmention\" href=\"/webmention\" />")
// resp := constructResponse(html)
// resp.Header = http.Header{"Link": []string{"</webmention>; rel=\"webmention\""}}
// endpoint, err := service.GetWebmentionEndpoint(resp)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// require.Equal(t, endpoint, "http://example.com/webmention")
// }
// func TestRealWorldWebmention(t *testing.T) {
// service := getWebmentionService()
// links := []string{
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/1",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/2",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/3",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/4",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/5",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/6",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/7",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/8",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/9",
// // "https://webmention.rocks/test/10", // not supported
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/11",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/12",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/13",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/14",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/15",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/16",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/17",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/18",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/19",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/20",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/21",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/22",
// "https://webmention.rocks/test/23/page",
// }
// for _, link := range links {
// client := &owl.OwlHttpClient{}
// html, _ := client.Get(link)
// _, err := service.GetWebmentionEndpoint(html)
// if err != nil {
// t.Errorf("Unable to find webmention: %v for link %v", err, link)
// }
// }
// }

View File

@ -1,19 +1,24 @@
package infra
import (
type sqlInteraction struct {
Id string `db:"id"`
Type string `db:"type"`
EntryId string `db:"entry_id"`
CreatedAt string `db:"created_at"`
MetaData string `db:"meta_data"`
Id string `db:"id"`
Type string `db:"type"`
EntryId string `db:"entry_id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"`
MetaData *string `db:"meta_data"`
type DefaultInteractionRepo struct {
@ -42,8 +47,34 @@ func NewInteractionRepo(db Database, register *app.InteractionTypeRegistry) repo
// Create implements repository.InteractionRepository.
func (*DefaultInteractionRepo) Create(interaction model.Interaction) error {
func (repo *DefaultInteractionRepo) Create(interaction model.Interaction) error {
t, err := repo.typeRegistry.TypeName(interaction)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("interaction type not registered")
if interaction.ID() == "" {
var metaDataJson []byte
if interaction.MetaData() != nil {
metaDataJson, _ = json.Marshal(interaction.MetaData())
metaDataStr := string(metaDataJson)
_, err = repo.db.NamedExec(`
INSERT INTO interactions (id, type, entry_id, created_at, meta_data)
VALUES (:id, :type, :entry_id, :created_at, :meta_data)
`, sqlInteraction{
Id: interaction.ID(),
Type: t,
EntryId: interaction.EntryID(),
CreatedAt: interaction.CreatedAt(),
MetaData: &metaDataStr,
return err
// Delete implements repository.InteractionRepository.
@ -52,8 +83,23 @@ func (*DefaultInteractionRepo) Delete(interaction model.Interaction) error {
// FindAll implements repository.InteractionRepository.
func (*DefaultInteractionRepo) FindAll(entryId string) ([]model.Interaction, error) {
func (repo *DefaultInteractionRepo) FindAll(entryId string) ([]model.Interaction, error) {
data := []sqlInteraction{}
err := repo.db.Select(&data, "SELECT * FROM interactions WHERE entry_id = ?", entryId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
interactions := []model.Interaction{}
for _, d := range data {
i, err := repo.sqlInteractionToInteraction(d)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
interactions = append(interactions, i)
return interactions, nil
// FindById implements repository.InteractionRepository.
@ -65,3 +111,19 @@ func (*DefaultInteractionRepo) FindById(id string) (model.Interaction, error) {
func (*DefaultInteractionRepo) Update(interaction model.Interaction) error {
func (repo *DefaultInteractionRepo) sqlInteractionToInteraction(interaction sqlInteraction) (model.Interaction, error) {
i, err := repo.typeRegistry.Type(interaction.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("interaction type not registered")
metaData := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(i.MetaData()).Elem()).Interface()
json.Unmarshal([]byte(*interaction.MetaData), metaData)
return i, nil

View File

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ import "owl-blogs/domain/model"
type Webmention struct {
meta WebmentionInteractionMetaData
meta WebmentionMetaData
type WebmentionInteractionMetaData struct {
type WebmentionMetaData struct {
Source string
Target string
Title string
@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ func (i *Webmention) MetaData() interface{} {
func (i *Webmention) SetMetaData(metaData interface{}) {
i.meta = *metaData.(*WebmentionInteractionMetaData)
i.meta = *metaData.(*WebmentionMetaData)