package main import ( "h4kor/owl-blogs" "sync" "" ) var postId string func init() { rootCmd.AddCommand(webmentionCmd) webmentionCmd.Flags().StringVar( &postId, "post", "", "specify the post to send webmentions for. Otherwise, all posts will be checked.", ) } var webmentionCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "webmention", Short: "Send webmentions for posts, optionally for a specific user", Long: `Send webmentions for posts, optionally for a specific user`, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { repo, err := owl.OpenRepository(repoPath) if err != nil { println("Error opening repository: ", err.Error()) return } var users []owl.User if user == "" { // send webmentions for all users users, err = repo.Users() if err != nil { println("Error getting users: ", err.Error()) return } } else { // send webmentions for a specific user user, err := repo.GetUser(user) users = append(users, user) if err != nil { println("Error getting user: ", err.Error()) return } } processPost := func(user owl.User, post owl.Post) error { println("Webmentions for post: ", post.Title()) err := post.ScanForLinks() if err != nil { println("Error scanning post for links: ", err.Error()) return err } webmentions := post.OutgoingWebmentions() println("Found ", len(webmentions), " links") wg := sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(len(webmentions)) for _, webmention := range webmentions { go func(webmention owl.WebmentionOut) { defer wg.Done() sendErr := post.SendWebmention(webmention) if sendErr != nil { println("Error sending webmentions: ", sendErr.Error()) } else { println("Webmention sent to ", webmention.Target) } }(webmention) } wg.Wait() return nil } for _, user := range users { if postId != "" { // send webmentions for a specific post post, err := user.GetPost(postId) if err != nil { println("Error getting post: ", err.Error()) return } processPost(user, post) return } posts, err := user.PublishedPosts() if err != nil { println("Error getting posts: ", err.Error()) } for _, post := range posts { processPost(user, post) } } }, }