package owl_test import ( "h4kor/owl-blogs" "os" "path" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "testing" "time" ) func TestCanGetPostTitle(t *testing.T) { user := getTestUser() post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") result := post.Title() if result != "testpost" { t.Error("Wrong Title. Got: " + result) } } func TestMediaDir(t *testing.T) { user := getTestUser() post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") result := post.MediaDir() if result != path.Join(post.Dir(), "media") { t.Error("Wrong MediaDir. Got: " + result) } } func TestPostUrlPath(t *testing.T) { user := getTestUser() post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") expected := "/user/" + user.Name() + "/posts/" + post.Id() + "/" if !(post.UrlPath() == expected) { t.Error("Wrong url path") t.Error("Expected: " + expected) t.Error(" Got: " + post.UrlPath()) } } func TestPostFullUrl(t *testing.T) { user := getTestUser() post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") expected := "http://localhost:8080/user/" + user.Name() + "/posts/" + post.Id() + "/" if !(post.FullUrl() == expected) { t.Error("Wrong url path") t.Error("Expected: " + expected) t.Error(" Got: " + post.FullUrl()) } } func TestPostUrlMediaPath(t *testing.T) { user := getTestUser() post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") expected := "/user/" + user.Name() + "/posts/" + post.Id() + "/media/data.png" if !(post.UrlMediaPath("data.png") == expected) { t.Error("Wrong url path") t.Error("Expected: " + expected) t.Error(" Got: " + post.UrlPath()) } } func TestPostUrlMediaPathWithSubDir(t *testing.T) { user := getTestUser() post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") expected := "/user/" + user.Name() + "/posts/" + post.Id() + "/media/foo/data.png" if !(post.UrlMediaPath("foo/data.png") == expected) { t.Error("Wrong url path") t.Error("Expected: " + expected) t.Error(" Got: " + post.UrlPath()) } } func TestDraftInMetaData(t *testing.T) { user := getTestUser() post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") content := "---\n" content += "title: test\n" content += "draft: true\n" content += "---\n" content += "\n" content += "Write your post here.\n" os.WriteFile(post.ContentFile(), []byte(content), 0644) meta := post.Meta() if !meta.Draft { t.Error("Draft should be true") } } func TestNoRawHTMLIfDisallowedByRepo(t *testing.T) { repo := getTestRepo(owl.RepoConfig{}) user, _ := repo.CreateUser("testuser") post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") content := "---\n" content += "title: test\n" content += "draft: true\n" content += "---\n" content += "\n" content += "\n" os.WriteFile(post.ContentFile(), []byte(content), 0644) html := post.RenderedContent() html_str := html.String() if strings.Contains(html_str, "\n" os.WriteFile(post.ContentFile(), []byte(content), 0644) html := post.RenderedContent() html_str := html.String() if !strings.Contains(html_str, "\n" os.WriteFile(post.ContentFile(), []byte(content), 0644) err := post.LoadMeta() if err != nil { t.Errorf("Got Error: %v", err) } if post.Meta().Title != "test" { t.Errorf("Expected title: %s, got %s", "test", post.Meta().Title) } if len(post.Meta().Aliases) != 1 || post.Meta().Aliases[0] != "foo/bar/" { t.Errorf("Expected title: %v, got %v", []string{"foo/bar/"}, post.Meta().Aliases) } if post.Meta().Date != "Wed, 17 Aug 2022 10:50:02 +0000" { t.Errorf("Expected title: %s, got %s", "Wed, 17 Aug 2022 10:50:02 +0000", post.Meta().Title) } if post.Meta().Draft != true { t.Errorf("Expected title: %v, got %v", true, post.Meta().Draft) } } /// /// Webmention /// func TestPersistIncomingWebmention(t *testing.T) { repo := getTestRepo(owl.RepoConfig{}) user, _ := repo.CreateUser("testuser") post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") webmention := owl.WebmentionIn{ Source: "", } err := post.PersistIncomingWebmention(webmention) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Got error: %v", err) } mentions := post.IncomingWebmentions() if len(mentions) != 1 { t.Errorf("Expected 1 webmention, got %d", len(mentions)) } if mentions[0].Source != webmention.Source { t.Errorf("Expected source: %s, got %s", webmention.Source, mentions[0].Source) } } func TestAddIncomingWebmentionCreatesFile(t *testing.T) { repo := getTestRepo(owl.RepoConfig{}) repo.HttpClient = &MockHttpClient{} repo.Parser = &MockHtmlParser{} user, _ := repo.CreateUser("testuser") post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") err := post.AddIncomingWebmention("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Got Error: %v", err) } mentions := post.IncomingWebmentions() if len(mentions) != 1 { t.Errorf("Expected 1 webmention, got %d", len(mentions)) } } func TestAddIncomingWebmentionNotOverwritingWebmention(t *testing.T) { repo := getTestRepo(owl.RepoConfig{}) repo.HttpClient = &MockHttpClient{} repo.Parser = &MockHtmlParser{} user, _ := repo.CreateUser("testuser") post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") post.PersistIncomingWebmention(owl.WebmentionIn{ Source: "", ApprovalStatus: "approved", }) post.AddIncomingWebmention("") mentions := post.IncomingWebmentions() if len(mentions) != 1 { t.Errorf("Expected 1 webmention, got %d", len(mentions)) } if mentions[0].ApprovalStatus != "approved" { t.Errorf("Expected approval status: %s, got %s", "approved", mentions[0].ApprovalStatus) } } func TestEnrichAddsTitle(t *testing.T) { repo := getTestRepo(owl.RepoConfig{}) repo.HttpClient = &MockHttpClient{} repo.Parser = &MockHtmlParser{} user, _ := repo.CreateUser("testuser") post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") post.AddIncomingWebmention("") post.EnrichWebmention(owl.WebmentionIn{Source: ""}) mentions := post.IncomingWebmentions() if len(mentions) != 1 { t.Errorf("Expected 1 webmention, got %d", len(mentions)) } if mentions[0].Title != "Mock Title" { t.Errorf("Expected title: %s, got %s", "Mock Title", mentions[0].Title) } } func TestApprovedIncomingWebmentions(t *testing.T) { repo := getTestRepo(owl.RepoConfig{}) user, _ := repo.CreateUser("testuser") post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") webmention := owl.WebmentionIn{ Source: "", ApprovalStatus: "approved", RetrievedAt: time.Now(), } post.PersistIncomingWebmention(webmention) webmention = owl.WebmentionIn{ Source: "", ApprovalStatus: "", RetrievedAt: time.Now().Add(time.Hour * -1), } post.PersistIncomingWebmention(webmention) webmention = owl.WebmentionIn{ Source: "", ApprovalStatus: "approved", RetrievedAt: time.Now().Add(time.Hour * -2), } post.PersistIncomingWebmention(webmention) webmention = owl.WebmentionIn{ Source: "", ApprovalStatus: "rejected", RetrievedAt: time.Now().Add(time.Hour * -3), } post.PersistIncomingWebmention(webmention) webmentions := post.ApprovedIncomingWebmentions() if len(webmentions) != 2 { t.Errorf("Expected 2 webmentions, got %d", len(webmentions)) } if webmentions[0].Source != "" { t.Errorf("Expected source: %s, got %s", "", webmentions[0].Source) } if webmentions[1].Source != "" { t.Errorf("Expected source: %s, got %s", "", webmentions[1].Source) } } func TestScanningForLinks(t *testing.T) { repo := getTestRepo(owl.RepoConfig{}) user, _ := repo.CreateUser("testuser") post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") content := "---\n" content += "title: test\n" content += "date: Wed, 17 Aug 2022 10:50:02 +0000\n" content += "---\n" content += "\n" content += "[Hello](\n" os.WriteFile(post.ContentFile(), []byte(content), 0644) post.ScanForLinks() webmentions := post.OutgoingWebmentions() if len(webmentions) != 1 { t.Errorf("Expected 1 webmention, got %d", len(webmentions)) } if webmentions[0].Target != "" { t.Errorf("Expected target: %s, got %s", "", webmentions[0].Target) } } func TestScanningForLinksDoesNotAddDuplicates(t *testing.T) { repo := getTestRepo(owl.RepoConfig{}) user, _ := repo.CreateUser("testuser") post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") content := "---\n" content += "title: test\n" content += "date: Wed, 17 Aug 2022 10:50:02 +0000\n" content += "---\n" content += "\n" content += "[Hello](\n" content += "[Hello](\n" os.WriteFile(post.ContentFile(), []byte(content), 0644) post.ScanForLinks() post.ScanForLinks() post.ScanForLinks() webmentions := post.OutgoingWebmentions() if len(webmentions) != 1 { t.Errorf("Expected 1 webmention, got %d", len(webmentions)) } if webmentions[0].Target != "" { t.Errorf("Expected target: %s, got %s", "", webmentions[0].Target) } } func TestCanSendWebmention(t *testing.T) { repo := getTestRepo(owl.RepoConfig{}) repo.HttpClient = &MockHttpClient{} repo.Parser = &MockHtmlParser{} user, _ := repo.CreateUser("testuser") post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") webmention := owl.WebmentionOut{ Target: "", } err := post.SendWebmention(webmention) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Error sending webmention: %v", err) } webmentions := post.OutgoingWebmentions() if len(webmentions) != 1 { t.Errorf("Expected 1 webmention, got %d", len(webmentions)) } if webmentions[0].Target != "" { t.Errorf("Expected target: %s, got %s", "", webmentions[0].Target) } if webmentions[0].LastSentAt.IsZero() { t.Errorf("Expected LastSentAt to be set") } } func TestSendWebmentionOnlyScansOncePerWeek(t *testing.T) { repo := getTestRepo(owl.RepoConfig{}) repo.HttpClient = &MockHttpClient{} repo.Parser = &MockHtmlParser{} user, _ := repo.CreateUser("testuser") post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") webmention := owl.WebmentionOut{ Target: "", ScannedAt: time.Now().Add(time.Hour * -24 * 6), } post.PersistOutgoingWebmention(&webmention) webmentions := post.OutgoingWebmentions() webmention = webmentions[0] err := post.SendWebmention(webmention) if err == nil { t.Errorf("Expected error, got nil") } webmentions = post.OutgoingWebmentions() if len(webmentions) != 1 { t.Errorf("Expected 1 webmention, got %d", len(webmentions)) } if webmentions[0].ScannedAt != webmention.ScannedAt { t.Errorf("Expected ScannedAt to be unchanged. Expected: %v, got %v", webmention.ScannedAt, webmentions[0].ScannedAt) } } func TestSendingMultipleWebmentions(t *testing.T) { repo := getTestRepo(owl.RepoConfig{}) repo.HttpClient = &MockHttpClient{} repo.Parser = &MockHtmlParser{} user, _ := repo.CreateUser("testuser") post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") wg := sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(20) for i := 0; i < 20; i++ { go func(k int) { webmention := owl.WebmentionOut{ Target: "" + strconv.Itoa(k), } post.SendWebmention(webmention) wg.Done() }(i) } wg.Wait() webmentions := post.OutgoingWebmentions() if len(webmentions) != 20 { t.Errorf("Expected 20 webmentions, got %d", len(webmentions)) } } func TestReceivingMultipleWebmentions(t *testing.T) { repo := getTestRepo(owl.RepoConfig{}) repo.HttpClient = &MockHttpClient{} repo.Parser = &MockHtmlParser{} user, _ := repo.CreateUser("testuser") post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") wg := sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(20) for i := 0; i < 20; i++ { go func(k int) { post.AddIncomingWebmention("" + strconv.Itoa(k)) wg.Done() }(i) } wg.Wait() webmentions := post.IncomingWebmentions() if len(webmentions) != 20 { t.Errorf("Expected 20 webmentions, got %d", len(webmentions)) } } func TestSendingAndReceivingMultipleWebmentions(t *testing.T) { repo := getTestRepo(owl.RepoConfig{}) repo.HttpClient = &MockHttpClient{} repo.Parser = &MockHtmlParser{} user, _ := repo.CreateUser("testuser") post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") wg := sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(40) for i := 0; i < 20; i++ { go func(k int) { post.AddIncomingWebmention("" + strconv.Itoa(k)) wg.Done() }(i) go func(k int) { webmention := owl.WebmentionOut{ Target: "" + strconv.Itoa(k), } post.SendWebmention(webmention) wg.Done() }(i) } wg.Wait() ins := post.IncomingWebmentions() if len(ins) != 20 { t.Errorf("Expected 20 webmentions, got %d", len(ins)) } outs := post.OutgoingWebmentions() if len(outs) != 20 { t.Errorf("Expected 20 webmentions, got %d", len(outs)) } } func TestComplexParallelWebmentions(t *testing.T) { repo := getTestRepo(owl.RepoConfig{}) repo.HttpClient = &MockHttpClient{} repo.Parser = &MockParseLinksHtmlParser{ Links: []string{ "", "", "", }, } user, _ := repo.CreateUser("testuser") post, _ := user.CreateNewPost("testpost") wg := sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(60) for i := 0; i < 20; i++ { go func(k int) { post.AddIncomingWebmention("" + strconv.Itoa(k)) wg.Done() }(i) go func(k int) { webmention := owl.WebmentionOut{ Target: "" + strconv.Itoa(k), } post.SendWebmention(webmention) wg.Done() }(i) go func() { post.ScanForLinks() wg.Done() }() } wg.Wait() ins := post.IncomingWebmentions() if len(ins) != 20 { t.Errorf("Expected 20 webmentions, got %d", len(ins)) } outs := post.OutgoingWebmentions() if len(outs) != 20 { t.Errorf("Expected 20 webmentions, got %d", len(outs)) } }