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package repository
import (
type EntryRepository interface {
Create(entry model.Entry) error
Update(entry model.Entry) error
Delete(entry model.Entry) error
FindById(id string) (model.Entry, error)
FindAll(types *[]string) ([]model.Entry, error)
type BinaryRepository interface {
// Create creates a new binary file
// The name is the original file name, and is not unique
// BinaryFile.Id is a unique identifier
Create(name string, data []byte, entry model.Entry) (*model.BinaryFile, error)
FindById(id string) (*model.BinaryFile, error)
FindByNameForEntry(name string, entry model.Entry) (*model.BinaryFile, error)
// ListIds list all ids of binary files
// if filter is not empty, the list will be filter to all ids which include the filter filter substring
// ids and filters are compared in lower case
ListIds(filter string) ([]string, error)
Delete(binary *model.BinaryFile) error
type AuthorRepository interface {
// Create creates a new author
// It returns an error if the name is already taken
Create(name string, passwordHash string) (*model.Author, error)
Update(author *model.Author) error
// FindByName finds an author by name
// It returns an error if the author is not found
FindByName(name string) (*model.Author, error)
type ConfigRepository interface {
Get(name string, config interface{}) error
Update(name string, siteConfig interface{}) error
type InteractionRepository interface {
Create(interaction model.Interaction) error
Update(interaction model.Interaction) error
Delete(interaction model.Interaction) error
FindById(id string) (model.Interaction, error)
FindAll(entryId string) ([]model.Interaction, error)
// ListAllInteractions lists all interactions, sorted by creation date (descending)
ListAllInteractions() ([]model.Interaction, error)
type FollowerRepository interface {
Add(follower string) error
Remove(follower string) error
All() ([]string, error)