
266 lines
5.5 KiB

package owl
import (
type Post struct {
user *User
id string
title string
metaLoaded bool
meta PostMeta
type PostMeta struct {
Title string `yaml:"title"`
Aliases []string `yaml:"aliases"`
Date string `yaml:"date"`
Draft bool `yaml:"draft"`
type PostStatus struct {
Webmentions []WebmentionOut
func (post Post) Id() string {
return post.id
func (post Post) Dir() string {
return path.Join(post.user.Dir(), "public", post.id)
func (post Post) MediaDir() string {
return path.Join(post.Dir(), "media")
func (post Post) WebmentionDir() string {
return path.Join(post.Dir(), "webmention")
func (post Post) UrlPath() string {
return post.user.UrlPath() + "posts/" + post.id + "/"
func (post Post) FullUrl() string {
return post.user.FullUrl() + "posts/" + post.id + "/"
func (post Post) UrlMediaPath(filename string) string {
return post.UrlPath() + "media/" + filename
func (post Post) Title() string {
return post.title
func (post Post) ContentFile() string {
return path.Join(post.Dir(), "index.md")
func (post *Post) Meta() PostMeta {
if !post.metaLoaded {
return post.meta
func (post Post) Content() []byte {
// read file
data, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(post.ContentFile())
return data
func (post Post) RenderedContent() bytes.Buffer {
data := post.Content()
// trim yaml block
// TODO this can be done nicer
trimmedData := bytes.TrimSpace(data)
// check first line is ---
if string(trimmedData[0:4]) == "---\n" {
trimmedData = trimmedData[4:]
// find --- end
end := bytes.Index(trimmedData, []byte("\n---\n"))
if end != -1 {
data = trimmedData[end+5:]
options := goldmark.WithRendererOptions()
if post.user.repo.AllowRawHtml() {
options = goldmark.WithRendererOptions(
markdown := goldmark.New(
// meta.Meta,
var buf bytes.Buffer
context := parser.NewContext()
if err := markdown.Convert(data, &buf, parser.WithContext(context)); err != nil {
return buf
func (post Post) Aliases() []string {
return post.Meta().Aliases
func (post *Post) LoadMeta() error {
data := post.Content()
// get yaml metadata block
meta := PostMeta{}
trimmedData := bytes.TrimSpace(data)
// check first line is ---
if string(trimmedData[0:4]) == "---\n" {
trimmedData = trimmedData[4:]
// find --- end
end := bytes.Index(trimmedData, []byte("\n---\n"))
if end != -1 {
metaData := trimmedData[:end]
err := yaml.Unmarshal(metaData, &meta)
if err != nil {
return err
post.meta = meta
return nil
func (post *Post) WebmentionFile(source string) string {
hash := sha256.Sum256([]byte(source))
hashStr := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(hash[:])
return path.Join(post.WebmentionDir(), hashStr+".yml")
func (post *Post) PersistWebmention(webmention WebmentionIn) error {
// ensure dir exists
os.MkdirAll(post.WebmentionDir(), 0755)
// write to file
fileName := post.WebmentionFile(webmention.Source)
data, err := yaml.Marshal(webmention)
if err != nil {
return err
return os.WriteFile(fileName, data, 0644)
func (post *Post) Webmention(source string) (WebmentionIn, error) {
// ensure dir exists
os.MkdirAll(post.WebmentionDir(), 0755)
// Check if file exists
fileName := post.WebmentionFile(source)
if !fileExists(fileName) {
// return error if file doesn't exist
return WebmentionIn{}, fmt.Errorf("Webmention file not found: %s", source)
data, err := os.ReadFile(fileName)
if err != nil {
return WebmentionIn{}, err
mention := WebmentionIn{}
err = yaml.Unmarshal(data, &mention)
if err != nil {
return WebmentionIn{}, err
return mention, nil
func (post *Post) AddWebmention(source string) error {
// Check if file already exists
_, err := post.Webmention(source)
if err != nil {
webmention := WebmentionIn{
Source: source,
defer post.EnrichWebmention(source)
return post.PersistWebmention(webmention)
return nil
func (post *Post) EnrichWebmention(source string) error {
html, err := post.user.repo.Retriever.Get(source)
if err == nil {
webmention, err := post.Webmention(source)
if err != nil {
return err
entry, err := post.user.repo.Parser.ParseHEntry(html)
if err == nil {
webmention.Title = entry.Title
return post.PersistWebmention(webmention)
return err
func (post *Post) Webmentions() []WebmentionIn {
// ensure dir exists
os.MkdirAll(post.WebmentionDir(), 0755)
files := listDir(post.WebmentionDir())
webmentions := []WebmentionIn{}
for _, file := range files {
data, err := os.ReadFile(path.Join(post.WebmentionDir(), file))
if err != nil {
mention := WebmentionIn{}
err = yaml.Unmarshal(data, &mention)
if err != nil {
webmentions = append(webmentions, mention)
return webmentions
func (post *Post) ApprovedWebmentions() []WebmentionIn {
webmentions := post.Webmentions()
approved := []WebmentionIn{}
for _, webmention := range webmentions {
if webmention.ApprovalStatus == "approved" {
approved = append(approved, webmention)
// sort by retrieved date
sort.Slice(approved, func(i, j int) bool {
return approved[i].RetrievedAt.After(approved[j].RetrievedAt)
return approved