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Owl Blogs

A simple web server for blogs generated from Markdown files


A repository holds all data for a web server. It contains multiple users.


A user has a collection of posts. Each directory in the /users/ directory of a repository is considered a user.

User Directory structure

  \- public/
       \- <post-name>
            \- index.md 
                -- This will be rendered as the blog post.
                -- Must be present for the blog post to be valid.
                -- All other folders will be ignored
            \- media/
                -- Contains all media files used in the blog post.
                -- All files in this folder will be publicly available
  \- meta/
       \- base.html
            -- The template used to render all sites
       \- VERSION
            -- Contains the version string.
            -- Used to determine compatibility in the future
  \- config.yml
        -- Contains settings global to the user.
        -- For example: page title and style options